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About me




Getting Things Done


Getting Thins Done (GTD): the framework to keep focus and organize our TODOs.

Programming: Memory Barrier


Memory barrier is an instruction to cause the CPU or compiler to enforce an ordering constraint on memory operations before and after it.

eBPF: User-Defined Codes in Kernel


eBPF allows user-defined codes to run safelly in Linux kernel, opening new opportunities for “exo-kernel”.

Campus Heatmap


  • Duration: June to August 2018
  • Location: The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Graduation Album


  • Duration: May 2021 to July 2021
  • Location: Apartsa, Shenzhen, China


Bucket-Based Expiration Algorithm: Improving Eviction Efficiency for In-Memory Key-Value Database

Published in The International Symposium on Memory Systems (MEMSYS) 2020, 2020

In this paper, we present a novel approach, a hybrid algorithm combining a deterministic one using buckets and a randomized one inherited from Redis expiration algorithm, to improve the efficiency of eviction of expired keys. For the main part, we adopt a deterministic algorithm to discretize the expiration timestamps into buckets and evict keys bucket by bucket; if time permitted, we also run the Redis expiration algorithm after finishing the deterministic part. Furthermore, our experiment using Redis randomized algorithm as the baseline shows that our algorithm is more effective in reducing memory usage with an acceptable impact on the overall throughputs.

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USTF: CSC3002 Programming Paradigms

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2020

The Undergraduate Student Teaching Fellow of CSC3002 Programming Paradigms (C++).

USTF: CSC3100 Data Structures

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2020

The Undergraduate Student Teaching Fellow of CSC3100 Data Structures.

USTF: CSC3050 Computer Architecture

Undergraduate course, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, 2021

The Undergraduate Student Teaching Fellow of CSC3050 Computer Architecture.